WebAnswer 1: Exercise helps people lose weight and lower the risk of some diseases. When you exercise daily, you lower the risk of developing some diseases like obesity, type 2 WebJun 16, · The truth is; exercise is good because it will help you have good moods, manage chronic diseases, and manage weight giving you good shape. Goodness of WebNov 20, · the many benefits include: 1) helping to stimulate the mind, 2) increasing feelings of well being, 3) reducing cholesterol, 4) helping to regulate blood pressure, 5)
Benefits of Exercise Essay: What Is the Real Importance: Free Essay Example, words
Heart Attack Essays, benefits of exercise essay. Sugar Benefits of exercise essay. Obesity Essays. Cystic Fibrosis Essays. Cancer Essays. People nowadays has changed their lifestyle. They are busy playing with their electronic devices especially smartphone. People prefer to stay at home rather than go out. People know that exercise is essential for their daily lives, but people may not understand why or what exercise can do for them. Hence, the benefits of exercise are to maintain a healthy body, reduce stress and anxiety, improve self-confidence and self-image, and increase brainpower and memory.
This is benefits of exercise essay where will be an attempt to show true benefits of physical activity. Want to receive an original paper on this topic? Write my paper Exercise is the key to good health. People has a natural body that made from blood, bones, muscles, and various other living tissues. People will get ill if any of these are injured or not working properly. Ahmad Taufik and Atherton benefits of exercise essay that exercise regularly can lead to a healthy lifestyle by preventing benefits of exercise essay from sickness. The chances of getting stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, benefits of exercise essay heart disease or any other chronic diseases can be reduced, benefits of exercise essay.
The risk of having cancer can also be reduced such as colon cancer, breast cancer, benefits of exercise essay other types of lethal tumors. According to Davis and Stoppler, benefits of exercise essay, people are advised to do exercise around 30 minutes to 60 minutes for thrice a week to have a healthy life. Besides, a series of sustained muscle contractions also involves in exercise. Muscle mass and strength can be improved through muscle-strengthening activities. Risk of joint and back pain can be reduced with the strong muscles and ligaments. Thus, exercise is act as an agent for developing health. Furthermore, reducing stress and anxiety is also one of the benefits of exercise.
Stress is a thing that people cannot ignore because it is part of life. It is unavoidable. So, people need to deal with their stress correctly to avoid depression. Many studies showed that exercising is usually used to administer stress, enchance mood and also reduce anxiety. According to Griffin, people will release warm and chemicals while doing exercise that help people to calm down anxiety disorders. Smits stated that fears of anxiety symptoms for young adults can be reduced through engaging in a limited aerobic exercise. For example, anxiety sensitivity can be reduced by jumping on the track or treadmill for some moderate-to-high intensity aerobic exercise. Moreover, self-confidence and self-esteem can be improved through exercising.
So, it will brings confident to a person and boost self-esteem. Self-esteem can be developed benefits of exercise essay exercise by stimulate the motivation to reach the purpose and influence the person thinks about body image. Lowery stated that an individual who exercise regularly is more likely to has higher self-esteem, optimism, and happiness than physical inactive emerging adults. Some of the young women did not exercise because they are low-esteem, but actually exercise can help in weight control, tone and also feel in a better mood. Endorphins which is a type of happy chemical will released during exercise. A person will has better self-image and self-confidence if they feel happy. Thus, whoever has benefits of exercise essay enough confidence and self-esteem can try out more exercise to improve themselves.
According to Griffin, the levels of a brain-derived protein in the body can be increased through a benefits of exercise essay workout. A few investigation benefits of exercise essay rats and boys have given the result that new brain cells can be created by cardiovascular exercise. Some results of exercise on a vocabulary learning paradigm shown that exercise was associated with short term increased accuracy and faster learning, benefits of exercise essay. Exercise not only need to strengthen human brainpower, but also use to exercise human benefits of exercise essay. The better the level of memory, the more creative will be if people keep their mind sharp. The production of cells in hippocampus responsible for memory and learning can be increased by getting sweaty likes doing aerobic exercise.
Exercise-based brainpower not only for kids but also adult workout. In conclusion, exercise brings many positive effects. Exercise not only strengthen our body health, but also help to calm down emotion, enhance self-esteem by develop self-image and self-confidence, and become a smarter person by elevate brainpower and memory, benefits of exercise essay. As exercise brings many advantages, so people should try to workout during free time but not facing the electornic devices. References Aafid Gulam Need, importance and benefits of exercise in daily life.
International journal of physical education, sports and health, 3 2 The moderating effect of physical exercise in anxiety disorder. International congress of physical education, sports, and kinetotherapy, Public awareness towards healthy lifestyle. International journal of academic research in business and social sciences, 8 10 Hassmen, P. Acute effects of qigong exercise on mood and anxiety, benefits of exercise essay. International journal of stress management, 15 2 Kamakhya Kumar Importance of healthy life style in healthy living. Juniper online journal of public health, 2 5 A, Mind racing : The influence of exercise on long-term memory consolidation. Mohammed Abou Elmadg Benefits, need and importance of daily exercise.
International journal of ohysical education, sports and health, 3 5 Ten ways to increase your brainpower. Health and fitness journal. Ravi Kumar The benefits of physical activity and exercise for health. Review international journal of multidisciplinary, 2 2 Resul Cekin Psychological benefits of regular physical activity. Universal journal of education research, 3 10 Shaffer, J. Neuroplasticity and clinical practice : buiding brain power for health. Frontiers in psychology, 7, Staples, S. The relationship between exercise and self-esteem, sleeping patterns, benefits of exercise essay, anxiety and energy levels.
Unpublished academic exercise. Dublin Business School, Dublin, Irelands. Haryadi Karyono Effect of regular exercise on anxiety and self-esteem level in college students. Althea medical journal, 2 3 It does not reflect the quality of papers completed by our expert essay writers. To get a custom and plagiarism-free essay click here. We are glad that you like it, but you cannot copy from our website. Just insert your email and this sample will be sent to you. We will occasionally send you account related emails.
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WebJan 9, · Benefits of Exercise 1. Morning Walk. Morning walk is that the first and most ordinary exercise and is suited in most constitutions. Diabetic 2. Gymnastic Exercises. WebExercise's greatest benefit is it reduces and prevent diseases. Exercise is a way of promoting health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Health is a state mind, body, and WebAnswer 1: Exercise helps people lose weight and lower the risk of some diseases. When you exercise daily, you lower the risk of developing some diseases like obesity, type 2
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