Sunday, December 4, 2022

Cause and effect essay on alcoholism

Cause and effect essay on alcoholism

cause and effect essay on alcoholism

Alcohol abuse can lead to heart disease, liver failure and rapid aging. Many deaths are caused by alcoholism. Excessive drinking also increases the decision to take risky actions, including Alcoholism is a brain disease and the earlier people start drinking, the worse the effects on the brain. A reason not to lower the drinking age is the reoccurance of binge drinking. Binge The effects of alcohol on the body and in families can be very dangerous and heartbreaking. Alcohol, as well as emotional harm, can also cause physical harm due to accidents and

Alcoholism Causes and Effects | Free Essay Example

Find out if your paper is original. Our plagiarism detection tool will check Wonder how much time you need to deliver your speech or presentation? Don't know how to format the bibliography page in your paper? Use this converter to calculate how many pages a certain number Create a strong thesis statement with our online tool to clearly express It is a well-known fact that smoking and alcoholism together have become major health concerns in many societies all over the globe. The percentage of alcoholics has increased significantly in a number of industrialized countries, making it a matter of national concern. Alcoholism-related deaths have increased dramatically in these countries.

What is more, the consumption of stump-liquor or the making and drinking illegal alcohol continues to cause many cases of blindness and even death. Local and state governments have tried to address the problem partly through establishing laws concerning the situations when alcohol can be sold or publically consumed. The approach taken to fight alcoholism differs depending on local and state government policies. For example, cause and effect essay on alcoholism, some countries prohibit drinking until one has attained a certain age of maturity.

Despite such attempts to reduce incidents of alcoholism, it still continues to be a problem, especially among young people. Alcohol is one of the drugs that are deemed to cause serious problems among the younger generation. The motivators for consuming alcoholism are hard to generalize since different cultures have different beliefs concerning the consumption of alcohol. However, it is agreed that things like smoking and drinking alcohol are greatly influenced by peer pressure. Unless one cause and effect essay on alcoholism strong principles, it is usually hard to resist the temptation and pressure to take that first drink of alcohol. Gradually, the person cause and effect essay on alcoholism in, and alcohol consumption becomes a regular habit.

Secondly, alcoholism is caused by the misperception that it is good for temporal relief from the harsh realities of life, cause and effect essay on alcoholism. Every alcoholic will insist that life feels good after one has had a drink. This misperception has spread even to an enlightened individual, cause and effect essay on alcoholism. As a result, an elite group of alcoholics who relieve their stress by drinking has emerged. Thirdly, some cultures openly embrace drinking alcohol as a reward for a successful feat. Due to these issues and other causes, alcoholism has greatly hindered the realization of personal goals. It also affects employers of people who wreck their health due to excessive alcohol consumption.

What is more, alcoholism has negatively impacted many families all over the globe, and it stands behind many cases of domestic violence. The general nature of alcoholics is that they always want to be right, and anyone who opposes their views risks facing their wrath, which is mostly manifested through physical abuse. This is because the majority of drunk people rarely know what they are doing. This is why it is easy to find a drunk person uttering cause and effect essay on alcoholism words in front of their children. Drinking too much can affect your health. This is because your liver and pancreas are not functioning properly and can also prevent your organism from producing a sufficient amount of insulin in order to utilize sugar.

This, in turn, can cause a high sugar level in your blood. In the United States alone, alcohol causes overdeaths every year. Abusing alcohol regularly can make your immune system weak, making your body sensitive to many diseases. People who are chronic drinkers are an easier target for illnesses like tuberculosis and pneumonia. In general, if you tend to drink on a regular occasion, the ability of your body to fight off infections is diminishing. Finally, regular alcohol consumption causes neck and head cancer, cause and effect essay on alcoholism, especially cancers of the throat, oral cavity, and voice box.

Individuals who drink fifty or more grams of alcohol drinks every day tend to have a three times bigger risk of having one of these diseases than those people who consume no alcohol. And it is important to stress that ladies tend to be more vulnerable than men to the consequences of alcohol because of a range of differences in the way their bodies absorb and metabolize spirits. After all, it is the responsibility of governments to step in by launching campaigns to educate citizens against the consumption illegally brewed alcohol and of excessive drinking in general, as well as underage drinking.

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The effects of drinking -- English Essay -- essay on the effects of drinking in english

, time: 11:13

The Cause and Effects of Drinking Alcohol, Essay Example

cause and effect essay on alcoholism

Alcoholism is a brain disease and the earlier people start drinking, the worse the effects on the brain. A reason not to lower the drinking age is the reoccurance of binge drinking. Binge The effects of alcohol on the body and in families can be very dangerous and heartbreaking. Alcohol, as well as emotional harm, can also cause physical harm due to accidents and Alcohol abuse can lead to heart disease, liver failure and rapid aging. Many deaths are caused by alcoholism. Excessive drinking also increases the decision to take risky actions, including

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